Big Stick Division

Supporting mature masculine growth.


We challenge each other to learn, grow and inspire others toward excellence, with unguarded hearts.

Whether in person or on Zoom

Visit a Men's Team

Currently, we have over 70 men enrolled within multiple different teams located throughout SoCal. Every six months, each member of a Big Stick contributes $100 to our Nonprofit. This covers liability insurance for each member, legal representation for the organization, and expenses for trainings and administrative matters. No member of this volunteer organization receives a salary, stipend, or compensation.

Check out what our members say

“I know what keeps me coming back; the relationships I've developed with purposeful men who hold me accountable to the areas of my life that I want to change. “

Arlan Pfohl

Small Business Owner

“This is a collective unit of men who care about each other's personal growth and community involvement. I have grown through their weekly meetings, coaching, and workshops.”

Eugene Santos

Fortune 500 Marketing Officer

"What a great resource for men to become pillars for themselves, family and surrounding community. It's given me invaluable tools to reach heights I once thought impossible."

Richard Delarosa

Financial Advisor

Action Items

Become a Member

Becoming a member is easy, you will be redirected to our main membership website ( that handles all the back office support for our division teams. Choose Big Stick as your team.

Join our Newsletter

Every month, we highlight what each of our chapters in Southern California are up to. Keep informed with our upcoming events and fundraisers.

Submit Website Content

If you would like to submit anything for the men's teams posterity, we will curate and archive any resources and you and the team may access it in our members only section.

Team Leader Resources

Get ideas on content. In here, there is Big Stick only related technology, rituals, and tools . To get full access, please reach our division coordinator or contact us.

Financial Transactions

We adhere to strict accountability for our general fund. If you would like to request a reimbursement or would like to support our mission with an additional donation, fill this out.

Give a Video Testimonial

If you see enough value in what we do, let us know how we have helped you in your endeavors. We have made it as easy as possible for you to make a short video that we would love to showcase in our members reviews section.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I try it out?

Absolutely, reach out to us so we can find a local chapter near you.

How do I become a member?

You must get confirmation from an existing member before you can enroll.

As a member, what do the dues go to?

100% of the funds we collect go back into the communities we serve. We are part of a Non Profit Organization and our teams financials are available in our members only section.

Still not sure if this is for you? Try it out for free.

Big Stick is about 

excellence at your own pace

Although we happen to have high standards for ourselves, we understand that commitment to excellence is hard, but a worthwhile endeavor. There is no obligation, but connect with us and we can help you achieve it.

Brave Hearts

Team Brave Hearts is an eclectic Team of men committed to providing each man the space to find their authentic selves. We are committed to integrity, accountability and authenticity to each other and to those in the world around us. We put a high value on community service and strive to make the world a better place.

The team is composed of men from all races, colors, creeds, religions, beliefs and social status; we are fathers, sons, brothers, husbands, boyfriends and even heroes. At our core, we area of team of bad asses who support each other through our tragedies and triumphs and encourage each other to be the best possible version of ourselves.

Brave Hearts monthly Team Dues are $10. per man, which cover community service activities, fun nights out for the Team and the annual (post-Covid)Team Overnight. No member of this volunteer organization receives a salary, stipend or compensation. If that sounds like something you are looking for, we encourage you to reach out to us and be a guest at one of our weekly meetings. We could always use another badass with a brave heart in our ranks.

Located in Coastal Orange County, CA

Band of Brothers

BAND OF BROTHERS, one of the Big Stick Division Teams, supports

all men with masculine care.  We provide a safe and confidential open

environment, encouraging authenticity and honesty, to facilitate healing,

growth and success so that we may become powerful leaders for our families, businesses and the greater community.

Our weekly meetings provide men the opportunity to support and be supported through teachings, rituals, discussions, and fun activities so men can explore their feelings, concepts, values, and life skills which can be employed by them to grow and be successful in their lives. Monthly Team Band of Brothers dues are $5. per man, which cover community service activities, fun nights out for the Team and the annual (post-Covid) Team Overnight.

Every six months, each member of a Big Stick Division Team contributes $50 to Big Stick Division and the same amount to The Legacy Project for Mankind. This covers liability insurance for each member, legal representation for the organization and expenses for trainings and

administrative matters. No member of this volunteer organization receives a salary, stipend or compensation.

Located in Southern Orange County, CA

Toltec Tribe

Toltec Tribe, one of the Big Stick Division Teams, creates the space to

impact, improve, and enhance the quality of our men’s lives by helping each other to create strong families, businesses and personal relationships. Political and religious discussions and activities are left outside of the team's purview.

Our time together influences the greater community in many ways, including service activities in many forms. At our weekly meeting, our members commit to take off their masks and bring their truth. We meet to

learn and practice the skills that lead to successful personal, intra-personal and business lives. Every meeting is different, and there are frequent trainings at little or no cost. Each Toltec Tribe member commits to grow within themselves and fully participate in all team meetings.

Everything we discuss in our meetings is held in confidence. This means that everything we say, see and hear in our circle stays in the circle. We can, and are encouraged, to talk about are the lessons we learn and the wisdom we gain from our associations with purposeful men. Come as you are; there’s no background check.

The Team dues are $10.00 per month. This isn’t group therapy. We support men by honestly sharing our experiences and the wisdom we

have gained from them. We may provide qualified referrals, but do not provide specific help with addictions, serious mental disorders or issues that require professional help. Members are not locked into a monthly or annual membership, and can choose to leave the Team at anytime.

Located in Southern Los Angeles County, CA


Ugly Truth works towards the betterment of ourselves and our

communities.  We strive to be examples of positive masculinity to our families, friends, associates and others.  To this end, we welcome new tools and schools of thought to learn from and create personal growth.  Members of this team support one another as Brothers.  These are relationships of depth and camaraderie rarely experienced by men in today’s world.

We expect the men in our circle to give their truth freely without holding it back,  and have created a space where a man can say what he needs to say and learn what lessons he needs to move forward in his life.  Each man is expected to hold confidentiality as sacred.  What is said here, stays here.  Even the men of other Big Stick Teams are not privy to the details of what is shared among the Team.  It is important that we have this place to become better men.  Without confidentiality, that couldn’t happen.

We welcome men from all religious faiths, or none; and we don’t discuss politics.  As such, we expect that all men in the circle respect the beliefs of others who do not share their own.  We accept all men without regard to race.  We are not here to judge; we are here to learn from one another and become better men to benefit our communities.

We listen to the collective wisdom of the men in the circle, and believe that any man willing to be here has value; all men, new or old-timers, have wisdom and insight to contribute to the Team.  No man present has the “I’m New” defense available.  Physical violence is not allowed and is grounds for reassessing membership on the Team.  We have a set of Standards that all men are expected to agree and adhere to.

All Team members and guests pay the Team Kitty for $5 per weekly meeting, which covers community service events, fun nights out for the Team and the annual (post-Covid) Team Overnight Event.

Located in Riverside County, CA

Team Valhalla

Team Valhalla, Big Stick Division’s original men’s Team, has long been the bedrock of the Division. Numerous Division and Regional Coordinators began their journeys within our ranks, and are still engaged in passing on their wisdom on to men. We welcome men who are new to this journey and are engaged in learning about mature, masculine care.

All Team Valhalla asks is that you “do your best”, and then challenge yourself to do better. As mature men we will support your aspirations and achievements, while also illuminating opportunities for improvement. It is important to our men that we model masculine care in our homes and communities to offset the toxicity prevalent in our world.

Throughout your journey you will build fellowship with other men who are also seeking new insights into old behaviors. You will have opportunities to offer sympathy and comfort to men who have been hurt like yourself. And you will develop a greater understanding of the strength attained after wading through the darkness side-by-side with those who’ve been there too.

The work we do on this Team is difficult and can be uncomfortable at times; so we value confidentiality above all so that men can trust each other in the circle to be revealing. What is said in the circle stays in the circle. However, you are free to take and apply the lessons learned to your journey on becoming the man you have only dreamt about. There is room for you in our vessel of great leaders.

Valhalla Team Dues of $40.00 are payable semi-annually, and cover the Team’s community service activities, fun nights out for the Team and the annual (post-Covid) Team Overnight. No member of this volunteer organization receives a salary, stipend or compensation.

Located in Northern Orange County, CA

Walking Tall

Walking Tall was established on March 15, 2017.  Our mission statement is to take BOLD ACTION with courage and strength in the face of fear; deliver TRUTH and SUPPORT; grow in relationship with ourselves and the Men in our circle; become multi-dimensional men; and give GENEROUSLY of our resources to those in need.  Our Banner is based on

the principles of being a multi-dimensional man, balancing mind, body, and soul.

We are a Team of Men who focus on the ideals of being a mature, masculine man.  In our weekly meetings we inspire each other to pursue a purpose larger than ourselves and are unconditionally committed to each other to winning in all areas of our lives.  Confidentiality is of the utmost importance.  It establishes the trust needed so we are secure in knowing we have a safe environment that allows us to be honest with each other, give our truths, and reassured that no man is judged.

Walking Tall’s monthly Team Dues are $5. per man, which cover community service activities, fun nights out for the Team and the annual Team Overnight.

Located in Central Orange County, CA

Here are some questions you may want to answer

How did you discover us what problem were you looking to solve?

What made you choose us?

What have been the greatest benefits you’ve received from us?

How have we helped you reach your goals–financial, cultural, even personal goals?

What was it like to work with us?

What is an example of how we went “the extra mile” to serve you?

Why would you recommend us to someone else?

If someone called you and said “Why should I go to a meeting”, what would you tell them?

Let's get in touch

Fill this out and we will reach out to you.